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New conveyor belts in the incinerator to protect the environment
06 October 2017
Thanks to the synergy between Acea and the Magaldi group, the waste-to-energy plant of San Vittore del Lazio (Frosinone) implements, first application of its kind in the Wte (Waste to Energy). an Ecobelt Wa (Wast Ash) system for the transport of bottom ash resulting from the combustion of SSF (Solid Secondary Fuel). (Article in italian language)
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A quantum leap for the environment
06 October 2017
News for the waste-to-energy plant: the subsidiary Acea Ambiente's plant is one of the most important in Italy, with three incineration lines, each with a thermal capacity of about 54 MW and a total authorised capacity of 397,200 tons/y of secondary solid fuel (SSF) (Article in italian language)
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Camerano: "A2A will be the first utility to focus on renewable energy".
24 July 2017
The company is aiming to grow through external lines and the first operations will soon arrive. Investments are ready to make Milan one of the "smartest" metropolises in Europe. There is also something new, or rather old, about A2a's future. The first of Italy's "local" utilities, the group jointly controlled by the municipalities of Milan and Brescia, has decided to adapt to the transition underway in the energy world, shifting the weight of electricity production from fossil fuels to green energy. (Article in italian language)
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Thinking ahead
26 May 2017
Messina, Sicily, is home to the first Stem technology plant that produces energy through a system of mirrors, sun and sand. In Magaldi's project, in collaboration with A2A, no silicones are used but only natural and renewable sources. (Article in italian language)
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How the Magaldi group will move on
23 May 2017
At first it was buffalo hide, then strips of leather bound together to increase resistance, and finally steel: this is how a business was born in the district of Salerno, mixing innovation and local products, which today has led a company, Magaldi, to become a leader in the design of conveyor belts for materials at high temperatures, up to 1,000 degrees. An image of family business capitalism, the jewel in the crown of Italian entrepreneurship, which is still the backbone of much of our SME world. (Article in italian language)
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Heating sand to get electricity: the first Stem solar thermodynamic plant in Messina
19 May 2017
Heating sand to get electricity: Messina's first thermodynamic solar plant Stem : More than 700 heliostats and a battery with a hot sand bottom: this is Sicily's thermodynamic solar plant
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Solar power - the new frontiers of renewables
08 May 2017
Generating energy from sand or recovering water from air. The sun is not only the brightest, life-giving star on our planet, but also a source on which we may soon depend to run factories, to power cars or planes, to reclaim desert areas. (Article in italian language)
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Innovative materials and giant wind turbines the renewables of the future
08 May 2017
The latest signal came from the German government's auction for new wind farms in the North Sea last month. Three out of four wind farms were awarded without any incentives, thus achieving grid parity and demonstrating that renewable energy can now be economically viable without burdening consumers' bills. (Article in italian language)
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STEM, from solar radiation to energy
05 May 2017
The thermodynamic solar plant in Messina uses sand to store heat from solar radiation and produce renewable energy. The first STEM fluid-bed thermodynamic solar plant has also been the focus of American researchers. Inaugurated last September at the integrated energy hub in San Filippo del Mela, in the district of Messina, the system uses more than 700 heliostats to capture the sun's rays and channel them into a cylindrical steel container where a bed of sand, capable of reaching temperatures of over 600°, generates thermal energy in the form of steam. (Article in italian language)
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Business: Magaldi presents Stem to US delegation
03 May 2017
A representative of the research centre of the U.S. Department of Energy, Clifford Ho, a scientist from Sandia National Laboratories, visited the A2A integrated energy hub in San Filippo del Mela (ME), where the Magaldi Group has installed the world's first plant using Stem technology, an innovative concentrated solar power (CSP) system that uses the sun's radiation and silica sand as a storage medium and for the production of thermal energy. (Article in italian language)