Ethics & Compliance

Ethics & Compliance

Magaldi Group's Code of Ethics

In Magaldi, the concept of individual responsibility is strongly related to that of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), which is the firm’s commitment to integrating business activities with the protection of the stakeholders’ rights and interests.
These concepts take shape in the Code of Ethics, a document that sets out the rules of conduct that guide the responsible actions of all the employees in the Magaldi Group, and defines the core values upon which the company has built its identity:

  • Integrity. Fairness and honesty in both internal and external interactions.
  • Customer orientation. Needs and expectations transformed into concrete solutions. Operational excellence is pursued by achieving the highest standards of quality and prioritizing reliability, availability, and safety.
  • Environmental responsibility. Magaldi adopts sustainable and environmentally responsible practices in every aspect of its business. The aim is to reduce the environmental impact and build a more environmentally-aware workplace.

The Code of Ethics applies to all the companies of the Group. It is valid both in Italy and abroad, albeit by the cultural, social, and economic differences in the various Countries where Mgaldi operates.

  • Code of Ethics - Magaldi Group

    PDF - 346.51Kb

Organization, Management and Control Model (D.Lgs. 231/2001) – Magaldi Power SpA

To meet the highest compliance standards, Magaldi Power S.p.A. has adopted its Organization, Management, and Control Model by the resolution of the Board of Directors dated October 6, 2023. This Model, also referred to as the “Model", is based on principles of sound corporate management and aims to prevent and mitigate the risk of illicit practices at all levels of the organization.

As an integral and essential part of the Model, the Code of Ethics embodies Magaldi Power S.p.A.'s values, establishes clear rules of conduct, and outlines the fundamental principles guiding the company's activities.

Simultaneously with the implementation of the Model, the Supervisory Body was established as an autonomous and independent entity, responsible for overseeing the adequacy and effective implementation of the Model.

The provisions outlined in Model 231 are obligatory for all employees, collaborators, customers, suppliers, industrial and commercial partners, and all stakeholders associated with Magaldi Power S.p.A.

If there are any reports of Model violations, they can be submitted to the Supervisory Body via email at the following address:

  • Code of Ethics - Magaldi Power SpA

    PDF - 532.85Kb
  • Organization, Management and Control Model 231 - Magaldi Power SpA

    PDF - 1.24Mb

Whistleblowing Illegal Reporting - Internal channel Magaldi Power S.p.A. under Legislative Decree. 10 March 2023 n.24

We at Magaldi are committed to upholding ethics and complying with laws. In line with the Legislative Decree, dated March 10th, 2023, n.24, which incorporates EU Directive 2019/1937, Magaldi Power S.p.A. has established an internal reporting channel.

This channel enables employees to report any violations of national or European Union regulatory provisions they become aware of in the workplace. Such violations may harm the interests and reputation of our company.

Through this page, you will be informed on how to send your report: